Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thelma Ekin Visit

This week in class Thelma Ekin (The Author of The Mines Afire Novel) came into to visit my class.
We asked some questions and she answered them with some surprising answers. Like that the fictional character in the book Tommy Carter was based Billy Mosely (Mind My Spelling) who was a real life person. Thanks Thelma for coming in to visit!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Oliver,
    Thank you for sharing the photo's of Thelma's visit. I really enjoyed it and I hope you did too. I think you have got a bit mixed up about who the character of Tommy was based on. His name was Billy but it was Billy Mosely, not McBrearty as that was one of the doctors who helped out at the scene.
    Keep up the great posts, I look forward to seeing a lot more!
    Miss H :-)


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